Tag Archives: exercise

Glitch in my Exercise Routine :(

I have been doing so well on my diet and exercise routine for the last few months, 32 lbs.!  Working out with my trainer 2 days a week and then another 3 or 4 days walking on my treadmill at home. 

 Well, today I had to go to the “foot” doctor, better known as the Podiatrist, and BAM a glitch. I have been having a lot of pain on the ball of my right foot.  Also, I have been experiencing terrible aching in my second and third toes.  I explained this to the doctor so he proceeded to examine my foot.  He pushed on the sore spot and I almost flew out of my chair.  He asked “Is this where it hurts?”  I wanted to say “no, I always scream in pain and jump in my chair when my foot is touched”.  I calmly said yes that is exactly where it hurts.  He proceeded to pull, bend and tug on my toes, as I sat there and stared at the wall willing this visit to be over.

I had an xray taken of my foot to rule out any type of fracture, and thankfully there was none.  Then he gave me an ultrasound of my foot to see if there were any tears in the joint, there were not.  He did tell me I have something called “capsulitis”.  This is the inflammation of any joint in the body, but most commonly the foot.  Mine is right under the second and third toe which is called the second metatarsal head (don’t ask).  He said the joint was very inflammed.  I asked him what causes this,  and he said it comes from excessive pressure on the forefoot.  Like Plumbers that squat and are on the balls of their feet alot, wearing very high heals for long periods of time, certain dancing etc.  I looked at him as if he got to be kidding.  I do none of those things. I live in flip flops, oh and I have to give them up for now too.  Anyway, who knows how it happened.

Now for the treatment.  The doctor said the best way to relieve the pain and help it heal is staying off your feet for a few weeks and taking anti-inflammatory pills. But he did say that is not practical.  So right now for me, he gave me metatarsal pads to keep on the inflammed area to take the pressure off the joint, prescribed me an anti-inflammatory drug to take twice a day, and said NO TREADMILL or excessive walking.  This is where the glitch comes in.  How am I going to do cardio at home if I can’t walk on the treadmill?  I will have to cut down on certain walking elements in the gym etc.  I feel like I am being sabotaged!  This can’t happen!  I have been doing so well I don’t want to get into a funk and backtrack, yet I don’t want to damage the joint any further.  I go back in 2 weeks and if it isn’t better then I need a cortisone shot (horrible, had them before in my knee), if that doesn’t work surgery!

I can’t let this get to me.  I don’t want to fail or get into the mindset of  “Oh well, pity me” and stop my progress.  Please, everyone reading this, think about me, pray for me, because this is going to be a difficult two weeks.  I can’t fail now…….

Weekly Gym Update – 4/28/11


Weigh in day again.  I was a little nervous about the weigh in because of being in Florida last week.  I didn’t go crazy eating and I did exercise, yet anytime I am away, I usually gain weight.  Plus, I must admit there was a little indulgence on Katie’s and my part.

First, I weight trained for 30 minutes with my trainer. She really worked me.  I am still sore from my Tuesday weight training session so watch out tomorrow :).  Then the weigh in. My trainer set the scale to what I weighed two weeks ago.  I took a deep breath, stepped on the scale, and found out……. I lost 1 lb.!  I thought that was fabulous since I hadn’t been to the gym for two weeks and I vacationed some.

I was going to ride the recumbent bike for 15 minutes today after the weight training.  But, I was so happy and uplifted, I wound up riding for 40 minutes!  Boy, do I feel good about today.

The picture above was taken this Easter.  I am 32 lbs. lighter.  If you compare the picture above of me with the picture  (the WORST ever) on my blog “Another weekly weigh in at the gym 🙂 Lost 3 lbs. for total loss of 22 lbs.” you can see the difference.

I am marching forward and am not going to look back.  I am feeling much better then I did before and want to continue on.  My goal is to lose another 30 lbs.  I know I will achieve this, I have no doubts.

PS.    Did I tell anyone I asked for a punching bag for Mothers’s Day?

The Four Fs – Florida, Food, Fun and Fitness

View from 1st floor deck

View from 2nd floor deck, underneath Master Bedroom
View from my bedroom deck

Florida, Food, Fun and Fitness, the four things I encountered last week.  From April 19th to the morning (very, very early morning, I got up at 3:30 am to catch my flight) of April 23rd I was in Florida. It was a two-fold visit.  Visit Craig by day and Katie by night. We have a house on Amelia Island and I hadn’t been there since Christmas.  It was a really nice break for me, I had a great time.  When I first got there the afternoon of the 19th, I was greeted by my most favorite “white pets” in the world.  Little Nova was crying and jumping like crazy, while Bernie Mac kept rubbing around my legs.  Once I gave them kisses and hugs and got untangled from them, I brought my suitcase to my bedroom and immediately took my book, sat on the deck and while over looking the ocean, read.  It was quiet except for the waves hitting the shore, pure paradise.

Katie came home from work about an hour later, and of course I was happy to see her.  She got changed and we decided we were too tired for a walk.  I had asked Katie to keep me accountable as far as my exercise goes, but it had been a long day for both and decided to start the next day.  We relaxed and caught up on things.  We popped the cork on the wine and proceeded to have wine, cheese and crackers.  It is always great talking to her, we tend to talk over each other and often have to stop and say “you go”, ‘no, you go” 🙂  That night we looked at magazines, watched Biggest Loser Couples, Housewives of New York City and Bethany.  We pretty much talked through all the shows but we did throw our eye on the tv once in a while.

On Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, I went to visit Craig (he will be in Florida for a while) during the day.  Friday, Katie met Craig and I and we went to Craig’s favorite restaurant “The Olive Garden”

Wednesday afternoon was another reading time (I read The Pack by Jodi Picoult – excellent), I just love rocking in the rocking chair reading and looking at the ocean.  Nova loves it too, she always comes out and sits with me.  After Katie got home she said “that’s it, we are going for a walk”.  So we took Nova and we walked 2 miles on the beach, it felt good, plus the weather was gorgeous.  That night we ordered Chinese food from Lucky Wok for dinner.  We watched American Idol, Glee, Bethany and Harry Potter-Deadly Hollows while we ate and of course had wine.

Thursday went the same, after reading and then a 2 mile walk, Katie and I went to the Historic Town on the Island and we ate at an Italian Restaurant named Gennaros.  It was delicious!  Katie and I split fried calamari for appetizer and then we had salad with bread.  I had Lobster Ravioli which was wonderful and Katie had Maryland Crab Ravioli which was delicious as well.  Katie chose a nice Chianti to go with the meal. We were too stuffed for dessert.  We stopped at the Redbox and rented “Splice” it was about a scientist couple that used human DNA in their work of splicing animal genes.  Disturbing but good none the same.  After that we watched various tv shows.

Friday after Olive Garden, Katie, Nova and I once again took our 2 mile walk.  We rented two movies from Redbox for the night.  The first was “Rabbit Hole” which was about a couple and how they each differently handled the death of their child, Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart were in it – excellent.  The second movie was “Grown-ups”  which was about 5 childhood friends who won a basketball championship in 1978 and how they came together thirty-two years later and rented a lake house with their families and had a rematch with the losing team.  Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade and Rob Schneider starred.  It was pretty funny.  I wouldn’t buy it or go to the movies to see it but for $1.00, it was good.

The next morning I flew home to David and the kids but I really, really enjoyed myself.  It is great seeing Craig doing so well and of course visiting Katie which always involves laughing.  We are both ridiculous and found out we both park our cars the same way – angled to the left…………………………………

OOPS! Gym update from last week – 4/14

I really don’t know where this past week has gone.  It has been a rough and tumble week, all kinds of things going on for good and for insane.  Hunter and Hayley have certainly been keeping me on my toes.

Anyway, the week preceding the gym went very well.  In addition to going to the gym, I continued walking on my treadmill at home.  I watched what I ate and felt pretty good.  When I got to the gym on Thursday, Jess said “we” needed to take it to another level.  This means more weight on the machines and a more intense workout.  Wow, I felt like I was training for a triathalon!  Whether it was lower body or upper body, she kept piling on weights and I thought I was going to die.  By  the time I got to the last reps, my limbs were literally shaking, I didn’t think I would finish. I was dripping in sweat and felt muscles that I didn’t even know I had.   Now it was time for the weigh in.  I marched into the room with the scale figuring “oh I bet I lost 3lbs”.   Jess set the scale to what I weighed last week, I got on……..O lbs lost.  I was shocked, it couldn’t be! I had been consistently loosing EVERY week!  Once I calmed down, Jess explained to me that yes, I had been loosing consistently but there will be times I  will not lose anything.  She told me not to give up and not to go home and binge or anything like that, just keep doing what I have been doing and I will continue to lose weight.

I have been fine since then. I have watched what I consumed and was able to do my treadmill twice.  I am unable to go to the gym this week which has me a little nervous.  I am leaving for Florida today and will be back on Saturday.  Although the trip isn’t primarily for pleasure, I can do some damage while I visit with Katie at night  🙂  Hopefully she will hold me accountable!! I plan on taking a walk on the beach each day and am looking forward to doing that.

Who know what this next week will bring but I plan on giving it my best shot.  Losing 30 lbs. is tremendous for me and I don’t want to blow it.  I am confident that once I get back on my regular schedule the pounds will continue to “melt” off 🙂

30 lbs the Gym and the Doctors Appt :)

Yesterday morning I went to the gym.  Healthquest was having a “member appreciation day”.  All kinds of things were going on.  Upon entering the facility there was a “Jester” there to welcome me.  I personally dislike clowns (another blog), they are so evil and creepy.  The problem with Jesters, they too much resemble clowns, so I only was able to give him a brief glance and hurry away. A DJ was playing music, the place was decorated with colorful balloons, lots of free food and beverages plus free water was given to you before you started to exercise.

I entered the track area and was bombarded with crazy LOUD music and about 100 women doing zumba on the first floor.  It was interesting to watch as I walked around the track. I came to the conclusion that I really wouldn’t enjoy doing it.  I wound up walking 3 miles and then I was ready for the gym itself.

I met up with Jess and she had me work primarily upper body.  She is no longer lenient with me, pow!! she brought it on.  By the time I was done, I thought my arms were going to fall off.  This is okay though because my football player arms are shrinking to a normal size.

Next was the weigh in.  I was nervous.  I felt I did well with my eating and at home exercising, yet I kept thinking about the restaurant we went to with Linda and Rich Saturday before.  It was no holds barred, I had whatever I wanted including the chocolate giant brownie with whipped cream.  I will say though, I was too full and afterward as I lay like a beached whale in bed, wished I didn’t eat so much.

I got on the scale, closed my eyes and she said “look!!”, 3 lbs!! I am now officially down 30 lbs!!!, I never thought I could do it.   I am so happy and am definitely feeling and looking better.  Next, week I will post a picture.

I had a doctor’s appointment following the gym.  I need to get my blood pressure checked every few months. I have been on blood pressure medication for 14 years. Even on medication my pressure is on the high side.  The nurse took my pressure twice and both times it was 118/69.  I haven’t had a low blood pressure in years.  When the doctor came in and saw me he was shocked.  I was such a mess both physically and mentally the last time I saw him in November.  When I go in the nurse usually takes my pressure and I don’t see the doctor.  This time he wanted to see me.  He couldn’t believe how much weight I had lost and doing it on my own.  After speaking with me and reviewing my chart he decided to take me off one of the blood pressure medications.  I was thrilled.  I have to go back in 1 month to check but if the pressure is still low I can stay off it and possibly work coming off the other one.

I am proud of my self and energized.  There is no doubt I am going to do this because for the first time in my life, I WANT to do it for me.  I know I am down at least 2 sizes because the jeans I bought a few weeks ago are now too big.  I am glad I only bought 2 pair.  I look forward to the day I can go shopping for normal clothes.  I am going to Paris in July and will need new clothes.  So Dave, credit card here I come!!!!

Weekly Gym and Weight Loss Update

Went to the gym yesterday and signed up for another 12 sessions with my trainer.  The first 12 were over on Tuesday and there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to do it again.  Left to my own devices I would fail miserably. I would never remember how to work the machines (or the dumbbells for that matter), how many repetitions to do and probably wouldn’t be able to start the treadmill :).  I have a hard time remembering the how and what when Jess trains me, on my own I would be a disaster. The first 12 sessions went by so fast and I really enjoyed it. Especially the progress I made.

After “challenging” me with harder routines, it was time for the weigh in and measurements.  They were taken the first day I started 6 weeks ago so I was really excited.  First I got weighed and lost 1.5 lbs.! Now I am down 27 lbs! Then came the measurements.

I lost:    Chest 1 in.,   Arm 1.5 in.,   Waist 2 in.,   Hips 2 in.,   Thigh 2 in.,  Calf 1/2 in.  A total of  9 inches!!!  I was soooo excited! The workouts definitely have paid off.  This has given me the determination to keep moving forward.  Dave is proud of me, he didn’t think I would follow through going to the gym as well as walking on the treadmill at home.  Previous times I always stopped but this time is different.

The dress I bought is hanging right in front of me when I open my closet door.  I am confident that I WILL be wearing it this summer.  Maybe even in Paris?…………………………………


I am so sick and tired of the cold, snow and delayed school openings.  When there is a delay, Hunter gets on the bus at 9:00 and Hayley gets on at 10:00.  This messes up any plans I might have had for the mornings and deprives me of my extra “kid free” time.

This morning I had an appointment at the gym with my trainer for 9:30.  As soon as the call came at 5:25 am that told me there was going to be a delayed opening, I knew I was doomed.  I really wanted to go to the gym because today was weigh in day.  I texted my trainer about the situation and she responded back with a cancellation she had just received.  I was able to go work out at 10:30!  I was so excited.  I got Hayley on the bus and then I went straight to the gym.  I warmed up on the recumbent bike for 15 minutes and then met with my trainer.  I worked on legs today.  Now that I have been weight training for a while, Jess is starting to challenge me more.  I did upper body on Tuesday (my arms felt like lead yesterday), and today I worked on my legs, abdomen and hips.  I definitely know I will be sore tomorrow, but it is a happy kind of sore. Finally, I did a half hour of cardio before returning home.

Once I was done weight training,  I was ready to be weighed…….. I knew I did really well with my eating so I wasn’t too nervous.  I got on the scale and found out I lost 3 1/2 lbs.!!!!  This brings me to a total of 25 1/2 lbs.  I am extremely happy as I am getting closer to wearing ” the dress” that has been hanging in my closet, encouraging me to keep on course each day.

Hopefully, the snow and really cold weather is behind us now.  I look forward to beautiful, warm, sunny days and for the first time in years I won’t mind showing my arms, especially while wearing “the dress”.   🙂

Another weekly weigh in at the gym :) Lost 3 lbs. for total loss of 22 lbs. !!!!

I am really embarrassed about this picture.  It was taken at the Florida house this past August.  I look absolutely horrible.  Not only am I fat, but the hair?  Wow.  I finally decided to post a before picture of myself, because it can only get better from there.   As time goes on I will post pictures of me as the weight loss journey progresses.  I have been very diligent about my diet and exercise routine for the past week.  

 Last Thursday, my trainer had me do a lot of leg work.  At the time I felt fine, no pain at all, but I really paid for it Friday thru Monday.  I have arthritis in both knees, the right one being the worst.  I hobbled around, popped Aleve and held an ice pack on my knees a several times. I continued to exercise at home, but just on my upper body.  When I went to the gym on Tuesday, I told her about my knees.  Even though they were feeling better,  we decided just to work on the upper body, abs and waist to still rest my knees a few more days.  Now this is a good thing because I am really looking forward to getting rid of my man arms.  I haven’t had normal arms in a very long time. Also, I need the ab work because I to get the belly down some more. And at least now my boobs are back to being bigger then my waist, hence I still need work on these areas.   When I finished with the upper body workout, the trainer had me ride the recumbent bike.  I still was working my legs yet there was no pressure on my knees.   So I did weight training for a half hour and rode the bike for a half hour.  I am so enjoying it, I never thought I would ever say that.  I really surprise myself  by actually wanting to exercise!

 Yesterday I did an upper body workout on the universal gym in the basement, then did 3 reps of crunches using the exercise ball.  I had a lot of errands to accomplish afterward.  At each stop I parked in the furthest parking spot so I would get somewhat of a workout on my legs.  Before I left home to go out, I brought a banana, granola bar and a water just in case I got hungry.  Surprisingly, except for being thirsty and drinking the water, I wasn’t hungry at all.   As a matter of fact I didn’t even think about eating! This is extremely new to me.

Today was weigh in day at the gym.  First my trainer had me do some light legwork.  My knees felt pretty good but I didn’t want to overdo it.  Then I worked the chest, back, shoulders, abs and waist.  Once that was done, Jess led me into the room with the scale.  I stared at it a few minutes because I was a little nervous.  It seems unreal to me that I have been losing weight.  I would say I have tried a million times and it didn’t work.  I now realize I definitely was not trying hard enough nor was I motivated enough.  Jess set the weight on the scale to what I weighed last week and once I stepped on the scale it was quite obvious the slide needed to go down.  And down it did go, 3 lbs.!!! I was so excited.  Now I am down a total of 22 lbs!!!  I am so proud of myself.

That dress in my closet is looking better and better.  I am already down a size, one more size and no more plus sizes for me!  I can’t wait to get back into normal size clothes.  Like I have said before, I am not striving for a size 4, a size 12 would be wonderful. I am already looking and feeling better and am excited for summer to come and maybe actually not loath myself this year.  I also want to look good for Dave.  He has always been supportive of me no matter what my weight, he loves me unconditionally.  But I want to show him I can still be “one hot mamma”…….



I did it.  A little irrational but I couldn’t help myself. 

 I can’t remember the last time I wore a dress, really, I can’t remember.  I used to love to wear dresses but as the weight grew and I tried to wear a size appropriate dress, I decided I looked more like a balloon. So at that point I started wearing stretchy waist band pants and shorts. This is a HUGE mistake,  they are so comfortable you think you aren’t gaining weight because the waistband expands naturally with your real waist. At the Gym today, my trainor Jess said “you are going to do sit ups today” I looked around to see if she was talking to someone else.  I don’t do sit ups I told her, I just am not that bendable.  She assured me that there was an easy way and she was right!  Jess brought over to me one of those big exercise balls, showed me how to sit on it and start leaning back while rolling forward.  Once my shoulders hit the ball I had to stop there.  Legs are out bended at the knees in front of me, hands behind my head…….and……crunch forward like the on the floor sit ups.  It was so easy and painless.  She had me do 3 sets of 12 and I really felt good. Jess told me there are many other exercises that can be done with the various size exercise balls.

Anyway, I was looking on Nordstrom.com and came across a summer dress which was so pretty.  I thought, forget it, will never happen.  But then I thought why not? An idea formed.  Why don’t I buy this dress in a size 12 (my goal, I am not going to be unrealistic and think I will ever be a size 4 which seems to be every woman dieter’s goal), and hang it on the door of my closet so I have to look at it every day.   What a motivator!  It just came today and it is even prettier than in the picture.  I put it on a hanger, ran up to my room, and hung it on my closet door where it is proudly displayed.

Hopefully I will be going to Paris in July to visit Bill and Katie and not be one of the many fat Americans.  I can be chic and thin like a French woman (maybe chic and thin is pushing it), or just plain healthy and in good shape.  I long to walk the streets of Paris in this dress, or tour le Louvre, or sit at a tiny cafe.  Maybe I just want to look and feel good for myself this summer.  I know I also want to look good for Dave too!  Which ever the case, I AM motivated to move forward on my road to healthier living.



Weight loss journey……..

Today I went to the gym for the second time this week.  I warmed up and then met with my trainer.  Jess wanted to weigh me before we started and for the first time in my life I was actually excited.  I felt that I had lost weight since last week, my jeans are loose in the butt and legs, plus the waistband isn’t rolled over this week.  Still a bit tight, but at least not rolled over 🙂   I am pretty sure one of my extra chins has gone missing too.  We went into the room, I got on the scale and…………. 6 lbs.!!!!!!  I couldn’t believe it so I had her weigh me again, yes it was 6 lbs. I literally screamed!  Jess was so proud of me as I was of myself.  She asked what I did this past week and I told her that I had cut out all carbohydrates (my downfall), ate a lot more fruit and vegetables, and the days I didn’t get to the gym, I walked 50 minutes on my treadmill at home.  I just feel more energized and excited.  The heat and me do not mix, so my goal right now is to be able to wear a sundress this summer instead of the extra long, stretchy shorts and tent sized shirts.  As a matter of fact, a half hour ago I went online and ordered a sundress that I am going to hang on the door of my closet to also motivate me.  It isn’t easy. I am definitely a stress/emotion eater.  The last blog I said I wanted to do something for myself and I haven’t wavered.  We had a very serious issue this week that is far from over, but I made it my priority to get to the gym today.  First, it took my mind off our worry and in addition it further confirms that I need to get healthy (no one is sick).  Two shows that are an inspiration to me is “Biggest Losers Couples” and “Heavy”.  The people on these shows are amazing.  I don’t need to lose anywear as much as them, but to see how hard they work and the determination they show is wonderful.  They are honest with their struggles as well.

So as of today I am down a total of 18 pounds from when I started this weight loss journey back in January!